A pinch of this thing will make an old person 20 years younger

New Jobs India

In summer, when the rocks of the mountains melt due to the scorching sun, the metal formed by melting is called Shilajit. This Shilajit is body enhancer. It is said that even an old man who consumes Shilajit becomes as powerful as a 20 year old youth. Shilajit is thick and black like charcoal. Its effect is hot and bitter in taste.

A pinch of this thing will make an old person 20 years younger

According to experts, there are four types of Shilajit. Gold, silver, iron and copper. The bones of those who consume Shilajit become like iron. It purifies the blood and has many other health benefits. Shilajit should be taken every morning with a glass of water. However, Shilajit should be consumed in the same proportion as one corn kernel.

Benefits of consuming Shilajit (Shilajit)

1. Increases physical strength: The biggest benefit of consuming Shilajit is that it increases physical strength. It is especially beneficial for men. However, while consuming Shilajit, one should not consume spicy, sour and salty foods.

2. Relief from stress: Consumption of Shilajit balances the hormones that cause stress in the body. This does not cause stress.

3. Nutrition of the body: Shilajit instantly increases the strength of the body. It contains vitamins and proteins which increase energy in the body.

4. Treatment of bone diseases: Consumption of Shilajit provides relief from joint pain, arthritis and strengthens bones.

5. BP Control: Shilajit should be used to normalize BP, it purifies the blood and improves blood circulation.

6. Diabetes: Shilajit is also a boon for diabetic patients. It is a beneficial herb. For this, a mixture of one spoon Triphala powder and one spoon honey along with two Rati Shilajit should be taken.

7. Prevents aging: Consumption of Shilajit prevents problems like wrinkles on the skin and weakness with age. It should be taken with Safed Musli, Ashwagandha and Shilajit.

8. Improves memory: Consuming Shilajit with a spoon of butter sharpens the mind. Shilajit sharpens the body as well as the mind.

9. Beneficial for the heart: It is also important to keep the heart healthy and fit. Shilajit is best for this. It cures heart disease.

10. Beneficial in swelling: If there is swelling anywhere in the body, consuming Shilajit provides relief.

11. Improves digestive system: If your digestive system is bad, then you should consume Shilajit regularly. It makes the digestive system strong and healthy.

12. Kidney problems: Shilajit also benefits those who have kidney problems. Shilajit improves blood circulation in the body.

13. Brain diseases: Consumption of Shilajit is best to cure brain diseases. It should be taken with milk or honey in the morning before sunrise.

14. To boost the immune system: If a person with weak immune system consumes Shilajit, it improves the immune system. For this, Shilajit should be consumed with milk in the morning and evening.

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