Drink it once without forgetting for 9 days from today

New Jobs India

In our Ayurveda some benefits of each tree have been mentioned, the cure for every disease is around you. Even lemon is considered the best in Ayurveda. In the month of Chaitra starting from today, drinking lemon blossom and pand juice is considered good for the body.

Drink it once without forgetting for 9 days from today

Chaitra month means the second half of the spring season. Flowing streams, groves, forests look beautiful in spring. Neem is said to be an excellent remedy for various diseases and problems, consumption of neem leaves, neem leaves, neem flowers, neem bark, neem wood etc. is very beneficial. Many diseases including typhoid and year-round fever will be absent.

In our scriptures it is said to drink the juice of neem flowers and neem leaves in the month of Chaitra. Even healthy persons in Chaitra month should drink this juice at Narnakoth in the morning for nine days from Chaitra Sud Ekam to Nom.

Drinking neem flower and kumla leaf juice for these nine days increases immunity. No fever during the year. Apart from that, problems like bad breath, migraine, diabetes, stomach worms, disinterest, acidity also stay away throughout the year.

Due to the antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties of neem, it is very beneficial for the body. It is said in your scriptures that in the month of Chaitra, if neem flowers are soaked in water at night and consumed in the morning, no diseases will occur for twelve months.

Everyone knows that neem is an excellent remedy for diabetes but you may not know that the use of neem is also very effective in treating skin problems like vomiting, cough, jaundice, summer fever and eye diseases.

The large and green leaves of neem are bitter after digestion, beneficial to the eyes, soothing inflammation, deworming, kapha, and bile. Removes apathy and leprosy. Apart from this, neem bark is also used to cure malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, fever. Neem contains chemicals that are useful in lowering blood sugar levels, healing ulcers in the digestive system, and can kill bacteria.

Boil neem leaves in water for 1 hour and cool, washing the face with this water will keep the skin clean and remove blemishes. When bitten by poisonous insects like scorpions, grasshoppers, making a paste of neem leaves and applying it on the bitten area gives relief and prevents the poison from spreading to any other part of the body.

If you have kidney stones, dry neem leaves and burn them. And drinking 2 grams of its ash with water every day will dissolve the stone and pass it through the urinary tract. When there is a toxic fever like malaria, boil neem bark in water to make a paste and drink two large spoonfuls three times a day. This remedy will cure the fever and also remove the weakness.

People suffering from skin diseases using neem oil and massaging it daily with a little camphor will gradually relieve the skin disease. Pyeria in teeth is cured by chewing neem leaves and chewing neem leaves cures respiratory diseases and strengthens gums and teeth.

Rubbing neem bark in water on the face also relieves acne and making a paste of neem leaves and applying it on the skin destroys the germs in the skin. If stale food has been eaten and vomiting occurs, the stomach will be cleared in three to four days after grinding neem peel, ginger and green chillies.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे

By boiling neem leaves twice a week and drinking its water, one can avoid diseases and infections in the body and can also stay away from diseases. Apply fine powder of neem leaves daily on any eczema, green or dry. If the eczema is green, crush the leaf and apply it on the eczema and tie a bandage. Thus, by doing this experiment every day, eczema gets cured.

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