Traffic police in major cities sometimes conduct awareness campaigns and take action against violators. As per the law, the Gautam Buddha Nagar and Ghaziabad traffic police launched a special drive and issued challans to over 1,000 vehicles carrying 'caste and religion-specific words or stickers'. The action was part of a 10-day special operation that began on August 11 and ended on August 20.
Caste and religion-specific words or stickers on vehicles are very common in India. Despite it being prohibited under Section 179 (1) of the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, people still put many stickers and slogans/caste-based names on their vehicles.
Fine of 1000 rupees
A challan of Rs 1000 is issued for vehicles with "comments related to caste or religion". According to the law, it is illegal to put anything other than a number plate on vehicles. The font size and style of the number must also be as per the rules. This act is an offence under Section 179(1) of the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act.
What is the Motor Vehicle Act?
According to Section 179(1) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, whoever wilfully disobeys any direction lawfully given by any person or authority empowered to give such direction under this Act, or obstructs any person or authority in the performance of his duties. Acts required or authorized by such person or authority under this Act, shall, if no other punishment is provided for the offence, be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
The person who makes a mistake will have to pay a fine.
Section 179(1) is a residual penalty clause which means that this clause imposes liability on the wrongful party to pay compensation for any contravention committed in terms of the Act or a rule, regulation or notification relating thereto.
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