The Union Ministry of Education has launched the APAAR ID card for students. The APAAR card (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) is being developed for all students from pre-primary to higher education and is also known as the 'One Nation One Student ID Card'.
Through this, the complete academic data of the students, such as awards, degrees, scholarships and other credits, is digitally transferred to the 'APAAR' ID. So far, 29.18 crore students have registered for the APAAR card with the Academic Bank of Credit.
What is Apar ID?
AAPAR ID (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) is an ID card issued to students which secures the academic documents of the students in digital form. This ID is a 12 digit unique identification certificate issued to store the academic documents of the students on a digital platform.
Benefits of Apar ID
The authentic educational documents will be safe in the digital locker.
The process of verification of educational certificate will be easy and fast.
Students will not need to carry physical documents.
This ID will be valid in all states of India and will be accepted by reputed educational institutions.
Digital India will be promoted.
Documents required for creating Apar ID
Aadhar card
Birth certificate
Parental consent (for minor students)
Mobile number
Passport size photo
How to Create Apar ID
Go to the DigiLocker website and register.
You will have to verify your mobile number through OTP.
Fill in the required information and upload the documents.
After the information is verified, your ID will be generated.
How to Download Apar ID
Visit the official website (
Enter the mobile number and login.
Any ID will appear on the mobile screen. Immediately, you will be able to download the ID as a PDF file.
Through Apar ID, students can access digital
How is Apar ID different from Aadhaar Card?
Apar ID does not replace Aadhaar Card. Aadhaar Card is an identity card issued by the Government of India to citizens of India. It has a unique 12 digit number which is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Aadhaar number acts as proof of identity and address of a person residing anywhere in India. Aadhaar is not a proof of citizenship or date of birth. Aadhaar number contains biometric information of a person such as his photograph, fingerprint, iris scan details. It is based on biometrics of citizens of India to perform functions like allotment of benefits of government schemes and subsidies in a more streamlined and transparent manner. Aadhaar can be used as proof of identity and address whereas AAPAR ID will contain information about the entire educational journey of a student from pre-primary to higher education. With the help of this lifetime ID, their entire education can be tracked. It will not replace Aadhaar but will be used for the purpose of tracking educational details.
Will APAAR be linked to Aadhaar card?
Yes, APAAR ID will be linked to the student's Aadhaar card. If the student is a minor, it is mandatory to take permission from his/her parents to create Aapar ID. The student's Aadhaar will be linked to Aapar ID with the consent of the parents.
Aapar ID is mandatory for all students
Registration for Aapar ID is voluntary and not mandatory. Schools will have to take consent from the parents before creating Aapar ID for the students. Parents can choose to withdraw their consent at any time. For minors, the parents will have to sign a consent form, allowing the ministry to use the student's Aadhaar number for authentication with UIDAI.
Read in Gujarati Click Here
The Education Ministry has proposed a deadline of 2026-27 for 100% integration of academic records of all students through Aapar ID.
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