Friends, usually due to the problem of cough, a person has trouble breathing and he is unable to sleep peacefully. Due to which he will have to face a lot of difficulties in the coming days. Along with this, when you take the help of medical medicines, the cough goes away, but the phlegm trapped in the lungs cannot come out, due to which the problem of cough reappears after a few days.
So if you are also suffering from the problem of cough and want to cure it forever, then you should take some measures. By taking these measures, the cough trapped in your chest and lungs will also be removed. This will keep your body completely healthy. So let's know what these remedies are.
Usually people stop eating bananas when they face diseases like cold and cough. However, you should know that bananas are rich in potassium, which can strengthen the immune system. Also, it does not cause you problems like cold and cough.
Best treatment for Cough
Like banana, pineapple also helps in curing many diseases. It should also be used as a daily routine. If you fall ill frequently, then you should include pineapple in your diet, with this you can easily get rid of viral disease. Also, if phlegm gets stuck in your lungs, then it also goes out.
If you make a decoction of ginger and basil and consume it, then it gives you relief from cough and sore throat. Also, its consumption also increases immunity, due to which you do not fall prey to viral diseases quickly. If for some reason you are not able to get basil, then you can also drink a piece of ginger.
Cough home remdey
You must be aware of the benefits of eating jaggery. Jaggery is rich in calcium, which can make your bones very strong. With this, you can also overcome the lack of blood in the body. Jaggery also works if you are suffering from viral diseases. Jaggery has a hot effect, due to which by eating jaggery you can get relief from cold, cough.
Like jaggery, drinking lemon juice and honey mixed in hot water improves your mental ability and also provides relief from viral diseases like cough, cold, cough. Apart from this, if you have frequent constipation problems, then you can use lemon and honey with hot water, which can also prove effective in keeping the stomach clean.
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The ultimate cure for constipation
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