Many people suffer from various skin problems. Problems like acne, blackheads, blemishes, eczema etc. occur frequently. But if there is any skin problem like lentils or warts, then it is very disturbing. Although it does not have any effect on the skin of the body, it causes blister-like rashes on various parts of the body.

In which only earthworms are born with flesh and remain alive forever. It is normal for this wart to come out on the body, but if it comes out in the mouth, it changes the color of the face. These warts are red and green-black in color. Sometimes it is also in the form of round balls. Which is a very difficult task to remove. In which the wart also comes out in the same way as a mole comes out on the body. Here we tell you effective ways to get rid of this wart through which you can get rid of the wart as well as prevent it from coming out.
The ultimate cure for wart removal
Agarbatti treatment can be done to cure warts. Take an agarbatti and burn it. Apply the ash of this agarbatti on the wart and remove it. Do this 8 to 10 times. By doing this remedy the warts will dry up.
Remedy with incense sticks
Garlic paste can be used to remove moles on the body. Garlic is considered best for health as well as beauty. For this, take a bunch of garlic and peel its buds and prepare a paste. Apply it on the mole with the help of wool and leave it for the whole night, wash it with water in the morning. With this treatment, moles will stop coming out.
Banana remedy
Banana peel can cure warts. For this, take a banana peel and place the inside of the wart on it and tie it with a clean cloth. Also, leave it like this for the whole night. This will clear the warts quickly. It is very beneficial to try this home remedy or this remedy.
Remedy with betel leaf of nagravella
Bring a leaf of nagarvel and a little lime from a paan shop and apply it on the nose of the leaf and mix it on the warts. Leave this lemon on the place of warts till it dries. When the lemon dries, wash it with lukewarm water. By doing this, applying this treatment on the face or any part of the body will remove the warts.
Remedy with pineapple
Pineapple is acidic because it is sour. It contains vitamin C and due to this it is also very useful for immunity. This fruit is liked by many people due to its taste. It can be used with food to cure warts. To treat acne on the face, apply pineapple juice on the face 2 to 3 times a day. After applying it, keeping it on the face will stop the warts from coming out.
Remedy with apples
Dip apple cider vinegar in water and apply it on the warts throughout the day. It gradually changes to the color of light warts and dries up on its own. To get rid of warts, you have to do this remedy every day, which will definitely give results.
Potato remedy
Mix lemon juice with potato juice and apply it on the warts. Do this remedy two to three times a day. With this remedy, the warts will dry up and fall off in a single day. If you want, you can apply this juice overnight as well.
Remedy with coriander
To get relief from this problem of warts, you can also use coriander. For this remedy, grind coriander leaves and make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. By doing this remedy continuously, warts will be cured. Coriander contains minerals that can treat eyes and skin.
Castor oil remedy
Remedy with onion
Take an onion and apply its juice on the warts. This juice has anti-biotic and anti-oxidant properties. For this, onion is useful in many diseases. This remedy is very effective in curing acne.
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Remedy with Banyan leaves
Milk comes out from the place where the leaves of the banyan tree are plucked. By extracting the juice of the leaves of the banyan tree and mixing it with the warts and applying it, the warts will dry up and fall off. This remedy, in which the milk present on the papaya is also applied to the warts, removes the warts. By doing the remedy for only a few days, the warts will heal on their own.
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